谨慎购买 (Purchase with Caution)
In a patriarchal reality where male dominance is the norm, I theorize a society in which everything is industrialized and serviceable, even human lives and sex. Sex, by nature, is an act of expressing intimacy, love, and union. I want to push the vision of a society which exploits sex and human fresh to the very extreme, devaluing them into another commodity and industrialize it. Using woodworking and papercrafting as mediums, I choose to build a “factory” of which I design to illustrate how human (and in this particular case, women’s) lives are treated as mere objects. Influenced by the “male gaze”, I went into the extreme by actually creating a facsimile of a factory mass producing human as products. I want to not only make a statement on the importance of placing our humanity above and beyond materialistic gains, but also set an example of what can and might happen to our consumer driven culture.


 Lazer cut file

(response for everything)


running machine & trash car
surgical-instruments & key & handcuffs & Clipboard & tray


surgical light
operating bed
